I too feel like we have a ‘missing’ tribe so-to-speak of thoughtful individuals who want to focus on what we can do to bring people together — not tear them apart. I am as guilty as anyone of missing the opportunity for kindness, connection, and understanding — but these ideas are always on my mind. I aspire to embody them. Sometimes I fail, but I keep trying.
Recently, I was reminded of that wonderful word from South Africa, ubuntu. It seems to have no exact English translation, but in his Ted talk Boyd Varty says it’s essence is “ . . . I am because of you. Or people are not people without other people.” I love this idea. Remembering that we all carry the human spark, no matter what beliefs we hold, or what our race, class, or gender might be, seems to me to be the key. If we have this idea that we each depend on the success of each other — that we are fundamentally interconnected — how could we not act in ways that serve that connection?
I know that’s aspirational more than reality, but we can each try our best to be a light in the darkness.
Thanks so much for your reply.